11 Edgy-chic Blue Black Hairstyles for Women
You may never have the idea to wear a blue hairstyle for your new look. But actually the blue hairstyles can be very flattering and attractive with a wide range of styles for your choice. By the way, it is also the high time to make a statement with your hairstyle to the world. Today, have a look at 11 edgy-chic blue black hairstyles to get you inspired this season!
Nobody would believe that the classic bob haircut can be so amazing with a totally new tone. The metallic shine of ocean blue over jet black hair will overthrow any perfect hairstyle in your mind. For those girls who are afraid to be so distinctive in the crowd, you can add make some stylish blue stripes among your brunette hair with an asymmetrical parting. It will make you look modern-chic yet still graceful at the same time.