7 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Feeding Toddlers

Toddlers are known for being picky eaters. For this reason, feeding them is always a struggle, which can be frustrating for parents.
While you can ask other parents what they’ve done or read books about feeding toddlers, what works for other children may not work for your little angel. Remember that feeding toddlers isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your toddler on track with healthy eating habits.
To get started, here are the common mistakes to avoid when feeding toddlers:
- Experimenting Different Meals
When toddlers reject a particular food type, you might think of other alternatives. For example, if your little one refuses to eat the food you’ve prepared, offer another nutritious food similar to the products at Serenity Kids. If your toddler refuses it, too, avoid creating other meals to suit your child’s taste and wants because it’ll be like running a mini restaurant in your home.
Remember that toddlers have more taste buds than adults. Something that might not be salty or spicy to you could be too much for them. The same goes for foods such as broccoli and spinach, which might be delectable for you but bitter for your child.
So, rather than ignoring their food preferences, be considerate once they tell you they don’t like the food. In addition, always go light on flavors when cooking something delicious for your toddlers. This way, they’ll enjoy the food you prepare.
- Force Feeding
Some parents think forcing toddlers to eat food they don’t like is a good idea. However, doing so will only result in a confused and upset little one. This tactic may also end up toddlers disliking both the mealtimes and food.
The best solution is never to make a big fuss when your kid refuses food. Instead, be patient and try again with a positive and happy attitude next time. This way, toddlers may learn to love the food they disliked before and enjoy their meal time.
- Offering Too Many Snacks
Your toddler’s appetite is smaller than yours. Therefore, it doesn’t take much food to fill them up. If you want to ensure they’re eating the right amount of nutritious food during meal time, avoid offering too many snacks, including juice and milk. If you prefer to give your child high-quality toddler food, you can opt for brands similar to myserenitykids.com.
Other beverages, including water, may make toddlers feel full and satisfied. So, they will not be hungry during mealtimes if they drink too much. Remember that toddlers should consume three to four ounces of milk daily and no more than four ounces of juice.
It may also help maintain a regular meal and snack schedule. You won’t have to worry about feeding your toddler if meals and snacks are taken at consistent times throughout the day.
- Giving Up Too Soon

Never assume that if the toddlers reject the food once, they’ll never like it again. Often, it takes several times to expose the toddlers to a particular food to embrace it. Never give up too soon or eliminate the food from your toddler’s diet.
Instead, consider presenting the food more often than usual and let your toddler play with it. This typically includes touching the food and putting it in their mouth. It would be best to trust the process because in time, your toddler will like the food.
- Yelling While Feeding
Toddlers are quite picky about what they eat, and most are typically slow eaters. Feeding time puts parents’ patience to the test and causes a lot of frustration and irritation. When this occurs, some parents yell at their children to finish or consume the food quickly.
Unfortunately, it’s never a good idea. You merely ruin your toddler’s mood and make them even more stubborn. To avoid this, feed your children with a smile and give them as much time as they need. Your kids will eventually learn to adjust their habits and understand proper table manners.
- Bribing With Treats
To encourage their toddlers to eat vegetables and fruits, many parents give them sweets as a reward. However, bribing them with treats will only result in unhealthy eating habits.
Instead, when toddlers eat well, reward them like more time playing together or a walk in the park. This will help them develop a good eating pattern and improve their nutrition.
- Serving Big Portion Sizes
Most parents frequently overlook the fact that children need smaller portions. Large servings may startle young children and deter them from eating normal sized meals. Therefore, parents need to get into the habit of giving their toddlers meals. You may serve food on a small dish to accomplish this. You can add more if your toddlers consume the entire contents on their plate.
Bottom Line
No matter how much parenting expertise you have, feeding toddlers usually entails stressful and challenging periods. Fortunately, by avoiding the abovementioned typical mistakes, you’ll be able to enjoy a less stressful mealtime with your toddlers and encourage them to become adventurous and healthy eaters as they become older.