7 Ways to Feel More Confident In Your Own Skin
Everyone struggles with self-confidence throughout their lives. Natural confidence is a tricky skill to acquire and, as we inevitably get knocked down, ridiculed, criticized, and judged by others throughout our lives, it can be easy to feel like we don’t deserve to love ourselves in the skin we’re in. If you’re struggling with feeling confident about yourself and your style, don’t stress. Keep reading to learn how to feel more confident in your own skin.
1. Smile
The next time you’re walking down the street wondering if everyone is judging your new skirt, make an effort to smile at everyone who passes by you.
Chances are, if you smile at other people, they’ll smile back at you, which will make you feel better about yourself. On the other hand, if you glower at every stranger because you’re certain they’re inwardly judging you, they probably won’t be so keen to give you a grin.
2. Treat Others How You Want to Be Treated
Showing kindness to other people by not judging them or gossiping about them helps you establish good karma and feel better about yourself. Plus, it encourages other people to refrain from criticizing you.
If you’re known within your friend group or workplace as a huge gossip, other people won’t hesitate to gossip about your lipstick or speculate about any weight you’ve gained. However, if you keep your lips closed instead of passing judgement, other people won’t be so quick to judge you in return.
3. Develop Your Own Style
Developing your own style can be scary, but it is one of the best ways to develop a rock-solid sense of self-confidence.
To develop your own style, you have to experiment. Try out different styles of clothing, makeup colors, patterns you might not normally wear, etc. It might take some time, but you’ll eventually find what you love and what makes you feel confident because it’s all your own.
4. Don’t Follow Trends
Okay, this tip is tricky. It’s not that you should put a total ban on letting yourself follow any trends. If you like something that’s trendy, by all means, jump on the bandwagon.
However, you should never follow a trend just because a lot of other people like it. Even if you feel like wearing something fashionable will make you feel more confident, you’ll just feel uncomfortable in it if you don’t truly like it.
5. Listen to Your Own Advice
If your best friend tries to ‘help you out’ by telling you your new jeans make you look fat, just plain don’t listen to her.
The only advice that matters when it comes to your style is your own. If you like your jeans and feel good in them, keep wearing them. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
6. Fix Your Posture
When we feel self-conscious and under-confident, we tend to slump over in an attempt to make ourselves look smaller.
If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, make a conscious effort to lift your shoulders and maintain perfect posture. Fixing your posture has been proven to make you feel more confident in any situation.
7. Remember You Rock
No matter how much self-confidence you acquire, you’re bound to feel down on yourself at times.
When this happens, it’s okay to let yourself feel sad, but don’t let your inner monologue about how much you suck continue. Instead, pick yourself up and gently remind your own mind that you are awesome and deserve to feel good about yourself.
The next time you’re feeling bad about yourself, try using the tips in this post to feel more confident about yourself quickly, easily, and permanently.