
The Art Of The Chinese Tattoos

Have you ever tried the Chinese character tattoos? As you can see that a lot celebrities wear Chinese tattoos in recent years, just like Justin Bieber, David Beckham, Nick Carter, Marcus Camby, Nicki Minaj etc.

Nicki Minaj Chinese Tattoos
Nicki Minaj Chinese Tattoos

Nicki Minaj Chinese Tattoos: 上帝与你常在

The culture of the Chinese is portrayed by the unique design of this tattoo. A country rich with culture the art of the Chinese tattoo is an intellectual symbol of loyalty, peace, harmony and love. In this particular type of tattoo you will see much more words and letters than that of other tattoos that usually will have designs like a rose or a flag. You will see many men with these tattoos all over their bodies.

Things like the name of their loved ones or just a catchy phrase that they might like to say. These tattoos can be done in a variety of colors, but it is most commonly used in only black ink. You might have seen someone with a Chinese tattoo before, and you might have thought to yourself, that was a strange looking tattoo.

It is a fashion trend that is catching on though because of that very reason. The average person does not speak the Chinese language so you would not know what the persons tattoo really said. This is a secret that you can tell or not tell. You will be able to keep this saying or word to yourself, as a private reminder. You could even tell your friends that it said one thing and it could mean something totally different. That is the cool part of getting this particular tattoo. If you like to be more secretive than this may be the perfect choice for you. Deciding what it is that you want out of a tattoo is very important.

The art of the Chinese tattoo is very sacred and should not be taken lightly. However, the script that they use is very well crafted and exquisite. If you are looking for making a bold statement in words then this is an awesome way for you to express those words that are treasured by you personally.

Nick Carter's Chinese Tattoo
Nick Carter’s Chinese Tattoo

Nick Carter’s Chinese Tattoo: 海神

Marcus Camby's Chinese Tattoo
Marcus Camby’s Chinese Tattoo

Marcus Camby’s Chinese Tattoo: 勉族

Justin Bieber's Chinese Tattoo
Justin Bieber’s Chinese Tattoo

Justin Bieber’s Chinese Tattoo: 曲

David Beckham's Chinese Tattoo
David Beckham’s Chinese Tattoo

David Beckham’s Chinese Tattoo: 生死由命,富贵在天

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