Pros & Cons to Getting Rib Tattoos
One of the most popular tattoo types these days is the rib tattoo. Considered both very sexy and powerful, this kind of tattoo is gaining popularity both among men and women. Tattooing as a current became quite popular in the last decade and anyone deciding to get a tattoo these days should first make sure that the design he or she chose will make him or her unique. People like to express themselves through tattoos, so it’s important to choose your rib tattoo wisely or you will end up wearing the same ink design as a lot more people. You want your design to provide personality and individuality so take your time when choosing.
What makes rib tattoos so popular is their ability to highlight a person’s curvatures. This is why an essential step is to try to asses in what measure does the tattoo match your ribs. Take an objective look both at the shape itself and to aspects like shading and colors.
One thing to take into consideration is the fact that tattooing hurts less if you get it in a fleshy area. The more flesh you have under the tattoo the less the pain. Unfortunately the rib region is a very boney area by definition. This is one of the reason for which rib tattoos are quite painful.
If you decide to get the rib tattoo after all keep in mind that you need to do some objective and extensive research to study the matching of the design with the curvatures of your body. You will also to pay special attention the pain factor as the ribs are a very painful area to get a tattoo on. If you consider that you can go through all these steps, the result will be worthy, as the rib tattoos are considered to be very sexy, probably in the top 3 of attractiveness.
Here are some pictures of Rib Tattoos, enjoy.