How to Draw On Freckles That Don’t Look Fake
If you weren’t blessed with natural freckles, drawing on your own can be a great way to reap the benefits of these cute sun kisses. Drawing on freckles has become a much more popular trend in the realm of makeup and beauty recently. However, many people’s drawn-on freckles look unattractively phony. If you want to enhance your skin with natural-looking freckles, keep reading to learn how to draw on freckles that don’t look fake.
1. Use The Right Tools
The best tool to use for applying fake freckles is a felt-tipped liquid eyeliner pen. The tip of these pens work great for applying imperfect spots to your skin that look natural. If you try to use a pencil product to draw on fake freckles, the freckles you apply will likely end up looking too perfect and will be easy to spot as fake.
2. Pick a Light Color
The shade of eyeliner that you use to apply fake freckles should be lighter than your natural hair color. Pick a shade that is one to two shades lighter than your hair for best results. If you use a color that is too dark, your freckles will end up looking obviously phony.
If you have any natural birthmarks or freckles anywhere on your body, pick a color of eyeliner that matches those spots that already exist for the most natural look.
3. Don’t Make The Spots Too Perfect
Natural freckles are not perfect circles. In fact, if you look closely at natural freckles on someone’s face, you’ll recognize that they are very strangely shaped spots.
Fake freckles look the most natural when you simply bounce your felt eyeliner pen lightly against your face. Don’t try to make a strict pattern or perfect the freckles you apply. Just apply them randomly yet evenly across your face.
4. Freckles Aren’t Just On Your Cheeks
Many people make the mistake of only applying fake freckles to their cheeks. In reality, natural freckles don’t only crop up on your cheeks. To make your freckles look more natural, apply smatterings of the spots across the areas of your face where sunlight hits, such as your cheekbones, your nose, and above your eyebrows.
5. Conceal First
You don’t want to apply freckles over the blemishes and blotches on your skin or they’ll look like just another imperfection. Start with a smooth, even base by applying cream concealer to the areas where you plan on applying freckles.
6. Blend With Your Fingers
After you apply your fake freckles, don’t try to blend them with a makeup brush or you’ll end up with strange, smeared spots all over your face. Instead, pat the freckles with your fingertips immediately after you draw them on. This technique will soften the edges of the spots without smearing them too much.
7. Don’t Go Overboard
No matter how flawlessly you draw on your fake freckles, they’re not going to look natural if you apply one hundred twenty-seven of them within a three-inch radius on your cheeks. To guarantee a more natural look, apply fake freckles sparingly.
Drawn-on freckles is a fun beauty trend that allows you to add cute adornments to your skin even if you weren’t born with natural freckles. If you want to get in on this makeup trend, use the tips in this post to learn how to draw on freckles that don’t look fake for a flawless, natural-looking finish every time.