
Do You Really Know How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow?

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


Liquid eyeshadow is a underrated beauty tool that allows you to create much more vivid eye makeup looks without wasting excessive product. If you use it correctly, liquid eyeshadow formulas can have a transformative effect on the way you do your eye makeup. However, liquid eyeshadow can be a bit more difficult to navigate than powder or cream formulas. If you’re interested in taking advantage of the power of liquid eyeshadow, keep reading to learn how to use liquid eyeshadow successfully.

1. Start At Your Inner Corners

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


With liquid eyeshadow, the best place to start is at the inner corners of your eyes. Liquid eyeshadow can brighten the inner corners of your eyes and help make your eyes look bigger. Dab a bit of the product at the inner corners of your eyes and work outward from there.

2. Skip the Primer

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


You should usually never skip primer. Priming is an extremely important step when it comes to makeup application and you’re generally always better safe than sorry with a thorough coat of primer.

However, priming your eyelids before applying liquid eyeliner is virtually pointless. One of the great things about liquid eyeliner is that the formula is self-setting, so it dries and stays put without creasing or smudging out of place all day long. Not only is liquid eyeliner gorgeous, but it can save you time, too!

3. Try a Light Color

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


Liquid eyeshadow in lighter shades can have an intense brightening effect on your eyes. If you wake up in the morning with a bit of a hangover or feeling extra groggy after a bad night’s sleep, dab a bit of light liquid eyeliner in the inner corners of your eyes.

You’ll be shocked at how quickly your tired glaze and dark circles disappear. For this trick, try using liquid eyeliner in shades of pearl, light pink, or champagne.

4. Use Sparingly

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


Remember that, when it comes to liquid eyeliner, a little goes a long way. You don’t need to smear half a tube of eyeshadow across your eyelid to get enough coverage. Start out by dabbing just a bit of product onto your lids and work from there until you get the hang of how much product you actually need to use. Chances are, it’ll be less than you think.

5. Overlap Layers

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


Overlapping layers of eyeshadow is the best way to blend your liquid eyeshadow. It can be difficult to successfully blend liquid eyeshadow using normal blending brushes. Instead, after you apply each layer of eyeshadow and start with a new color, overlap your layers to avoid a striped appearance and keep your makeup looking seamless.

6. Stop at Your Brow Bone

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


You can usually get away with swiping powder eyeshadow up to and past your brow bone. The same rules do not apply when it comes to liquid eyeshadow. Because liquid eyeshadow creates such a vivid finish, it is important to stop your application below your brow bone to keep your eye makeup looking neat.

7. Use Water

How to Use Liquid Eyeshadow


If you feel as though your liquid eyeshadow is smearing or clumping, dip the applicator for the product in a bit of water. Don’t soak it; dab off the excess water with a paper towel or cloth. Dampening your liquid eyeshadow applicator can help you apply the product more smoothly if the formula has gotten clumped.

Using liquid eyeshadow doesn’t have to be a frustrating mess. Whether you’ve had a bad experience with it or you’re just too afraid to try it for the first time, you shouldn’t give up. Use the tips in this post to discover how to use liquid eyeshadow easily to create a beautiful, vivid finish every time.

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